A comfortable climate and high-quality acoustics go hand in hand.

A new definition of room comfort

The quality of our environment has a direct impact on our health, well-being and productivity. An optimal indoor climate and excellent acoustics are crucial. Why? They not only promote comfort, but also focus and overall enjoyment.

Rolex Learning Center BASWA Cool

Thermal comfort and room acoustics

Thermal comfort is the outcome of a harmonious interaction between ambient temperature and human body temperature. Rooms that are too warm or too chilly can generate tension and pain, whereas a perfectly balanced space encourages well-being. Room acoustics are equally significant since they impact communication clarity and reduce distracting sounds.

BASWA Cool and BASWA Core provide unique solutions that suit both the acoustic and thermal needs of modern architecture.

The advantages at a glance

Increased mental performance: By providing a comfortable thermal and acoustic interior climate at all times, BASWA’s thermal-acoustic solutions promote mental alertness and concentration. In a nice and tranquil setting, people can completely concentrate on their duties, resulting in increased productivity and performance.

Reduction of stress: Noise and poor room acoustics can lead to increased stress levels, which has long-term negative effects on health, including high blood pressure, sleep disorders and a weakened immune system. By effectively reducing reverberation and disturbing noises, optimized room acoustics create a calmer environment that reduces stress and promotes relaxation. In an acoustically well-designed room, people can concentrate better, communicate more effectively and feel more comfortable overall.

Reduced dust exposure: Unlike traditional heating and cooling systems (air conditioning systems), BASWA Cool, for example, decreases dust movement and whirling up, resulting in cleaner and healthier breathing air and lowering the risk of respiratory irritation.

Draught-free heating and cooling: The proven technology of surface cooling and heating systems ensures a gentle air flow, eliminating draughts and thus preventing physical complaints such as neck and back pain, which are often associated with poorly regulated indoor climates (e.g. conventional air conditioning)

baswa cool

BASWA Cool: room air conditioning meets pure aesthetics

BASWA Cool is an invisible cooling and heating solution that can be integrated into any room design (e.g. at home, in the office, in a restaurant). Unlike conventional systems, BASWA Cool works with a surface temperature regulation system that enables an even and draught-free temperature distribution in the room. This ensures a pleasant room climate without compromising the aesthetics of the room. Experience how BASWA Cool combines energy efficiency in heating and cooling with a design that minimizes visibility and maximizes comfort. Perfect for those who value both thermal comfort and undisturbed room aesthetics.


BASWA Core: The seamless acoustic ceiling for TABS buildings

BASWA Core combines the best of both worlds: efficient sound absorption and sustainable energy efficiency, specially designed for buildings with concrete core activation (TABS). The innovative acoustic system not only improves room acoustics by minimizing reverberation and echo, but also uses the building’s thermal energy to optimize the indoor climate. BASWA Core is characterized by its ability to optimize the acoustics of modern rooms through a sophisticated combination of sound absorption and thermal conductivity. The system effectively dissipates the energy generated by TABS buildings, contributing to improved thermal comfort while creating a pleasant acoustic environment. As a result, the seamless BASWA Core acoustic ceiling blends seamlessly into the design of any room.

BASWA Cool - ION Development

Design meets function

With BASWA Cool and BASWA Core, you can create rooms that inspire with their flexibility in design and function. These systems uniquely combine heating, cooling and sound absorption to seamlessly adapt to any architectural vision.

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